PaperStream IP (TWAIN x64) 3.26.2
Important: This driver only works with 64-bit applications.
Please use the PaperStream IP (TWAIN) when using 32-bit applications, even on Windows® 64-bit OS.
Note : PaperStream Capture is a 32-bit application.
Target OS
Windows® 11 / Windows® 10
Windows Server® 2022 / Windows Server® 2019 / Windows Server® 2016
For more details about the supported operating system editions, refer to the manual of the scanner model you are using.
Download Programs
As from June 16, 2020, customers who have purchased the fi Series can install and use the "PaperStream IP(TWAIN/TWAIN x64/ISIS) driver" on an unlimited number of computers regardless of the "END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT" for the software.
[Download] PaperStream IP (TWAIN x64) 3.26.2
(266,042,640 Bytes)
Please refer to the README prior to use.
V3 Service Update 2
Version 3.26.2
Corrected issue:
- Fixed the problem that occurs when an imprinter is used with some applications, causing an application error.
Installation Instructions
For details on how to install and how to confirm version information after installation, refer to Installation Instructions.