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Steve Todd, Director of Business Development, Polar Imaging Inc.
Polar Imaging Inc. (198KB)
Customer: Polar Imaging Inc.
Country: Canada
Services: Document Scanning & Management Services
Founded: 1985
Located in the city of London, in the heart of Southern Ontario, Polar Imaging Inc. has provided document scanning services and document management solutions to customers across Canada for over 30 years. The company focusses primarily on Accounts Payable and Healthcare solutions, with customized integrations for specific customer environments. “The Fujitsu fi-7160 is the #1 scanner we sell,” says Steve Todd, Director of Business Development.
Polar Imaging created a distributed scanning environment for their customer, based on five Fujitsu fi-7160 image scanners across multiple offices in the US and Canada, with a WorkFlow Management solution using artificial intelligence (AI), to electronically auto-route each document for approval. The entire system is fully integrated with the customer’s corporate accounting application.