Part Numbers of the Consumables
The product names, part numbers, and replacement cycles of the consumables are as below:
Product Name |
Part No./Suggested Replacement Cycle |
Roller Set
Part number: PA03656-0001 Suggested replacement cycle: 200,000 sheets or one year |
Part number: PA03805-0022 Suggested replacement cycle: 30,000 sheets or one year |
Part number: PA03805-0021 Suggested replacement cycle: 100,000 sheets or one year |
Part number: PA03541-0002 Suggested replacement cycle: 10,000 sheets or one year |
Part number: PA03541-0001 Suggested replacement cycle: 100,000 sheets or one year |
Note that the suggested replacement cycles for the Roller Set are guidelines for using A4 (80 g/m2 [20 lb]) wood-free paper, as these cycles vary depending on the type of documents scanned.
Note that the suggested replacement cycles for the pad unit and pick roller are guidelines for using A4 (80 g/m2 [20 lb]) wood-free paper, as these cycles vary depending on the type of documents scanned.
Note that the suggested replacement cycles for the pad assy and pick roller are guidelines for using A4 (80 g/m2 [20 lb]) wood-free paper, as these cycles vary depending on the type of documents scanned.
Only use the specified consumables.
For details about purchasing consumables, refer to "Suppliers of Consumables/Optional Parts" in Customer Support.