Failed to Register a ScanSnap Account

If a ScanSnap account registration fails, check the following.

Is the specified e-mail address already used to register a ScanSnap account?

When the specified e-mail address is already used to register a ScanSnap account, specify another email-address to register a new ScanSnap account.

Is there a network error?

Check that there are no errors with the network environment. If necessary, go back to the point where you enter an account name, and try again.

Did you enter the confirmation code correctly?

Go back to the point where you enter the confirmation code.

Enter the confirmation code shown in the notification e-mail correctly.

Did the confirmation code expire?

Go back to the point where you enter an account name, and retry.

A confirmation code has an expiration date. Enter the confirmation code as soon as you receive it in a notification e-mail.