For Receipt Edition, select ScanSnap iX1600.
To view this website, "JavaScript" and "style sheet" must be enabled in your web browser settings.
For details about enabling them, refer to the help of your web browser.
Delete unnecessary pages from an multi-page image in the ScanSnap Home viewer window.
If you displayed the viewer window from the [Scan to Folder] Window, the [Scan to Email] Window, or the [Scan to Print] window, go to step 2.
For details, refer to To Display the Main Window.
If you delete multiple pages, select the pages while holding down the [Ctrl] key or [Shift] key.
When the viewer window is displayed from the main window
Click the [File] tab and select [Save] or [Save as] from the file menu.
When the viewer window is displayed from the [Scan to Folder] window, the [Scan to Email] window, or the [Scan to Print] window
Click the [File] tab and select [Save all to finish] from the file menu.
A multi-page image that contains only necessary pages is saved.
Images can be edited with Preview.
For details, refer to the Preview Help.